Who We Are
Challenging times present you with interesting opportunities. Companies are looking to do more, but with less. Our consultants work with you to improve processes, to advance your publishing environment, and to streamline your publishing environment saving you time and money.
Vendor Agnostic
We work with software vendors, but not for them. From the beginning of our business operations we have remained vendor agnostic, focused on providing the right tools to our clients.
We earn our income by working for our clients, not for the software and hardware vendors.
Technically Geek
We know tech. We work with transforms, with XML, with DITA. We develop custom help solutions, web content, dynamically published content, and are present at industry leading conferences.
Since the early 1990's we have worked with leading technologies developing online and print solutions.
Certified Experts
Certified as technical trainers and as experts in software, we provide training, consulting, and support either online, or in person. We work with software vendors to develop certification programs.
Our staff includes the experts that help to define what a certified expert is.
Publishing Smarter works with clients to improve their content creation, management, and distribution workflows. We do so through content analysis, legacy file conversion, training, and support. This helps to reduce production costs, improve document quality, and increase employee productivity.
Our client base includes government agencies, Fortune 500 corporations, private companies and not-for-profit agencies. We don't sell specific software tools; we investigate and suggest the right options to ensure client success. Over 15 years in publishing provides us insight, experience and partnerships to meet your publishing needs.