Advanced DITA
Course-at-a-glance: This three–day course is developed for people are comfortable working with DITA and want to dive deeper into topics like content reuse, conditional content, conref and keys, reltables, and want to install the DITA OT, and learn the basics of how one can customize templates using the OT, Oxygen, or FrameMaker. Finally, acquire hands–on experience to guide your understanding of the tools that work with XML and DITA.
Prerequisite: Should have a general knowledge of working with DITA, experience creating topics and maps, basics of attributes/values (for example, using @type with <note> elements), and have published (even just a default “File > Publish” model for converting maps to HTML5 or PDF).
Objectives: Upon successful completion attendees will be able to:
Develop and implement reuse strategies using maps, keys, conref, and other common DITA functionality
Work with ditaval files and customize content using @product, @platform, and @audience and similar profiling attributes to conditionalize content
Use conref and keys with maps to publish content with variables that dynamically update
Create map specific navigation structures using reltables
Install and test the DITA Open Toolkit
Publish and develop basic customizations in the OT, and in tools like Oxygen and FrameMaker
Further Learning: Adobe AEM and DITA for Authors, Frame EDD Development, or other related courses.
Delivery: The following delivery is available:
Instructor–led, group–paced, online–delivery learning model with structured hands–on activities and assignments
Customized classroom training at your location
Fees: Course pricing is as follows:
Instructor–led, online–delivery: $1995/participant (group rates available)
Customized classroom training at your location: $2995/day for up to 8 participants plus travel expenses
"Bernard is an excellent and entertaining presenter and trainer with a firm focus on pragmatics. He focuses in on the details that are needed by a particular audience and makes the information stick."
Michael Priestly, DITA Architect, IBM