Frame Template Development
Course-at-a-glance: This three–day course is developed for people who need to harness the power of the FrameMaker template to enable writers to do more, in less time. Create templates using Paragraph, Character and Table Designers. Manage complex page layouts with custom, automated master pages and develop reference pages. Add components such as conditional text, variables, cross–references, generated files and more to create sophisticated templates.
Prerequisite: You must have a solid working familiarity with Adobe FrameMaker as an author.
Objectives: Upon successful completion attendees will be able to:
Create and manage templates
Add, modify, or delete tags using the Paragraph, Character and Table Designers
Build number systems for heading, lists, tables, figures and more
Develop master pages with automated layout based on formats used in a document
Insert and modify running headers and footers
Work with a variety of reference pages to configure the appearance of content in standard template files and generated materials (TOC, Index and more)
Create conditional content to manage multiple file versions from a single document
Develop cross–references for use within documents or between files
Manage color definitions
Further Learning: Developing for structure using EDD's.
Delivery: The following delivery is available:
Instructor–led, group–paced, online–delivery learning model with structured hands–on activities and assignments
Customized classroom training at your location
Fees: Course pricing is as follows:
Instructor–led, online–delivery: $1495/participant (group rates available)
Customized classroom training at your location: $1995/day for up to 8 participants plus travel expenses