Using FrameMaker and DITA with XDocs Content Management System
Original Delivery Date: Thursday, July 30, 2009 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM PDT
When it comes to working with DITA, FrameMaker, XDocs and DITA-FMx are a powerful combination. These tools provide an affordable DITA suite in which you can:
Create semantically marked up content that adheres to the DITA specification
Use CMS features to check in, manage, and publish content
Create rich output using familiar FrameMaker templates
NOTE: The sound quality on this set of videos is a bit tinny, but still understandable.
Client case study
Client case study
Cleaning up your existing content
Cleaning up your existing content
Introduction to Bluestream XDocs CMS
Introduction to Bluestream XDocs CMS
The use of the DITA-FMx utility
The use of the DITA-FMx utility
Working with a CMS to upload, download, check in and out, and publish
Working with a CMS to upload, download, check in and out, and publish
Publishing to FrameMaker with Bluestream and DITA-FMx
Publishing to FrameMaker with Bluestream and DITA-FMx